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Why All Cosmetologists Need Liability Insurance


What is Liability Insurance?

Beauty liability insurance—like other forms of insurance—is a form of risk management where the insured (that’s you!) can be protected and relieved of the financial responsibility of a potential loss as well as gain peace of mind that experts are handling any claims.

In other words, think of liability insurance as a safety net. You don’t expect anything bad to happen in your career, and you certainly don’t plan to make mistakes—but just in case, you’ve got a reliable safety net watching your back. That way, if anything does happen, the financial, legal, and professional burdens of it are going to be taken care of by pros in the insurance industry. That takes the stress off you, safeguards your career, and keeps all your finances from getting scrapped into costly lawsuits that might result.

Liability insurance exists in many forms.

- Professional liability insurance is one of the most common types—it protects you against any claims (alleged or actual) that say you’re responsible for causing harm or damages to any of your clients. For example, you accidentally cut your client’s skin with your shears.
- General liability insurance still protects you but deals with things that are more of an indirect effect—if there is leftover hair on the ground and your clients slips and falls in the salon, they could file a claim against you.
- Product liability insurance is a type of insurance that protects you should anything bad happen as a result of something you used during your services (we’re talking shampoo, moisturizer, hot oil, etc.) IE your client has an allergic reaction to products used on them. To be properly covered and adequately protected, it’s pretty crucial that you’ve got all of those fronts on lock. The right insurance can change your cosmetology career for the better.

Credit: @elitebeautysociety on IG

Top 3 Reasons You Need Beauty Liability Insurance

Obviously, beauty liability insurance protects you from financial and professional destruction when and if something bad happens, but that’s not all. Beauty liability insurance is crucial for a lot of reasons. The most professional, prepared, and caring cosmetologists are the ones investing in beauty insurance. Why? Because they believe in protecting themselves, their careers, and of course, their clients.

Your State or Salon May Require It
While every state is different, it’s likely that yours requires some form of liability insurance. Not having it in some states could be risky, but in others, it could be illegal. Be sure to double-check to see what your state requires. And while you’re at it, see what your salon or spa requires, too. Even if they have their own liability insurance, it might be on you to protect yourself—and you don’t want to figure that out the hard way.

Without Beauty Liability Insurance, You’re on the Hook Financially
Without insurance, you’re likely going to be the one handling all the fees and finances—are you prepared to wave goodbye to lots of your hard-earned money? If not, we highly recommend looking into quality liability insurance.

It Protects You on All Fronts
The right type of beauty liability insurance will actually cover other things, like product liability, stolen equipment coverage and rental damage coverage. Investing in beauty liability insurance is the step you need to take in order to gain control over the uncertainty that could happen in the salon or spa. And if you ask us, cosmetologists who are prepared for that are the most professional of all.

Get Covered
If you have a Salon Services PRO account, you can take advantage of this affordable, comprehensive liability insurance program for just $159/year. Click here to sign up!

Written by Elite Beauty Society